A Warm Welcome
Will await you at Living Faith Church. We are a non-denominational Christian Church,
a family of believers from many different backgrounds. We meet together regularly during the week,
to enjoy God, worship Him, and mature in biblical living.
Our main church building in Orrell has a rich past that dates back to 1804. That was the year that Christians,
including William Wilberforce and Thomas Charles, formed the British and Foreign Bible Society to encourage the
'wider circulation and use' of the Bible. Whilst much has changed in our world since 1804, the Holy Bible remains
unchanged and continues to shape Christian lives and reminds us that: 'Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today
and for ever' (Hebrews 13:8). We seek to serve the same Lord today, progressing by faith into the future, as His
chosen disciples amidst this changing world.