Archbishop Steven Receives an Honorary Black Belt!
Taekwondo is the national sport of both North and South Korea and the most recognised of the Korean martial arts. It derives from the oldest martial arts in the world and is used for both self-defence as well as sport.
The purpose of awarding Honorary Black Belts is to recognise certain individuals who are not necessarily Taekwondo practitioners but who, in the opinion of the committee have either: 1) Made a significant contribution to the advancement and development of Taekwondo at the local, regional, national or international level, or 2) Have exhibited a special commitment and determined effort to significantly enhance communities at a regional, national or international level. Some of the most famous previous Honorary Black Belt recipients include President Ronald Reagan, President Barak Obama, President Donald Trump, His Majesty King Hamas Bin Isa Al Khalifa, and His Holiness Pope Francis.
Today, we confer the Honorary Black Belt to Archbishop Steven Lyn Evans of The International Christian Church Network (TICCN). He has recognised and embraced Taekwondo as a tool for humanitarian missions and a bridge to reach different communities from around the world with the purpose to promote the advancement of Taekwondo and the Christian faith. Archbishop Steven has a history of Boxing through his family background in Wales. The last few years he has been training diligently in different martial arts (Karate and Taekwondo) alongside his wife and children. He has made great contributions via TICCN to create new resources for sports ministry/chaplaincy as a gift to the Christian community and the world of sports. His contribution to the general wellbeing and positive humanitarian impact of sports into various cultures, and across numerous countries has been significant. I am honoured and privileged to serve alongside him by promoting our Christian values in, and through sports, via TICCN.