Scripture Warriors is a monthly Scripture Learning Course, each month you will memorise a new scripture and learn the meaning and the context of that scripture. The word of God needs to be in your heart and there's no better way to do that then to memorise it.

Stage 4: The Sword

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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Matthew 6:33


Remember as we study this months designated verse we are engaging in a spiritual strategy for growth. As we spend time studying the Holy Bible in a devotional manner, we mature as ambassadors and soldiers in the Kingdom of God.


Spend the month reading, studying, and meditating on this verse. Ideally, you will read the book of Matthew at least once and chapter 6 (5 minutes) several times. At the end of the month you should be able to quote the verse and its Biblical reference.


As an apostle, Matthew wrote the Gospel of Matthew in the early period of the church, probably in A.D. 55-65. This was a time when most Christians were Jewish converts, so Matthew’s focus on Jewish perspective in this Gospel is understandable.

Matthew’s intended audience was his fellow Jews, many of whom especially the Pharisees and Sadducees, stubbornly refused to accept Jesus as their Messiah. In spite of centuries of reading and studying the Old Testament, their eyes were blinded to the truth of who Jesus was. Jesus rebuked them for their hard hearts and their refusal to recognize the One they had supposedly been waiting for (John 5:38-40). They wanted a Messiah on their own terms, one who would fulfill their own desires and do what they wanted Him to do. How often do we seek God on our own terms? Don’t we reject Him by ascribing to Him only those attributes we find acceptable, the ones that make us feel good, His love, mercy, grace, while rejecting those we find objectionable, His wrath, justice, and holy anger? We dare not make the mistake of the Pharisees, creating God in our own image and then expecting Him to live up to our standards. Such a god is nothing more than an idol. The Bible gives us more than enough information about the true nature and identity of God and Jesus Christ to warrant our worship and our obedience.

From the Greek

Seek: zéteó. I seek, search for, desire, require, demand, by inquiring; to investigate to reach a binding final resolution; to search, ‘getting to the bottom of a matter.’ In order to find out, by thinking, meditating. This will takes effort and determination.